How Is Belotero Balance® Different From Other Fillers?Mar 06, 2025If you’re looking for a way to replenish volume in your face by filling wrinkles and creating your desired contour, consider Belotero Balance®. It offers some key differences from other fillers, which we’re exploring here. Continue reading
Incorporating Dermal Fillers Into Your Wellness RoutineFeb 01, 2025Taking care of your body is important, and a wellness routine is essential. You want to feel and look your best no matter how old you are. Dermal fillers erase age-related wrinkles and can easily be incorporated into your wellness routine.Continue reading
5 Compelling Reasons to Try Botox®Jan 02, 2025Botox® can deliver transformative results in a quick, convenient appointment. Here are a handful of reasons you might want to try it for yourself.Continue reading
5 Problems That Clear + Brilliant® Treatments ResolveDec 01, 2024If you want to transform your skin with minimal downtime, the gentle but effective Clear + Brilliant® laser delivers. Here are five ways this laser treatment can improve your complexion. Continue reading
What You Need to Know About Your Upcoming BlepharoplastyNov 01, 2024If you have eyelid surgery scheduled, you’re probably wondering what you need to do to prepare. Here’s what you should know about your upcoming blepharoplasty. Continue reading
4 Nonsurgical Treatments for Radiant SkinOct 01, 2024You don’t have to go under the knife to get radiant skin. With these four options, you can get a glowing complexion without the invasiveness or recovery time that comes with surgery. Continue reading
3 Ways to Treat Melasma After PregnancyAug 21, 2024If you developed brown or gray patches on your face during pregnancy, you’re not alone. Fortunately, you can treat that melasma in a few effective ways. Continue reading
How to Banish Redness for GoodAug 01, 2024If you’re tired of walking around looking like you’re blushing or you’ve spent too much time in the sun, you’ll be glad to know specific treatments can help. Here, we explore what lasers can do to banish redness. Continue reading
Telehealth: The Advantages of TelemedicineJul 23, 2024Struggles to get to the clinic? Trying to reduce your exposure to COVID-19, as well as other contagious illnesses, and still need to see your doctor? Telehealth is safe and easy — receive quality care from anywhere.Continue reading
The Secret to Getting Rid of Stretch MarksJun 28, 2024Don’t let stretch marks ruin shorts and swimsuit season for you. With PRX Derm Perfexion, you get a comfortable, convenient way to fade those stretch marks. Continue reading
Can I Get Botox® and Fillers at the Same Time?Jun 17, 2024If you want to defy aging in multiple ways during a single appointment, we have good news: you absolutely can. It’s perfectly safe to get dermal fillers and Botox® at the same appointment. Continue reading
What Can I Expect During My Rhinoplasty Recovery?May 02, 2024A rhinoplasty (aka, a nose job) gives you a way to transform your face. Before you assume this option is right for you, though, make sure you understand the recovery period that comes with it. Continue reading
Why Has Platelet-Rich Fibrin (PRF) Become So Popular?Apr 01, 2024If you’ve been hearing more and more about platelet-rich fibrin (PRF), it’s for good reason. Learn all about this natural way to transform your skin here. Continue reading
How Long Will My Results From PDO/PCL Threads Last?Mar 02, 2024If you’re considering a thread lift, you want to know how long it will help you look like your best, youngest self. Here, we look at how long the results from polydioxanone (PDO) and polycaprolactone (PCL) threads last. Continue reading
3 Types of Acne Scars and How to Treat ThemFeb 02, 2024Your skin is as unique as you are — and that can result in some unique scarring if you’ve had acne. Fortunately, we have solutions to the various forms this scarring can take. Continue reading
When Should I Start Getting Botox®?Jan 12, 2024People are starting Botox® and other cosmetic injectables at younger and younger ages, sometimes even as preventive measures. So when should you consider starting these age-defying treatments yourself? Continue reading
3 Gentle Solutions for Skin RejuvenationDec 01, 2023Transforming your skin doesn’t have to mean applying harsh chemicals or undergoing surgical procedures. Here are three gentle but effective options you can explore to move toward your cosmetic goals. Continue reading
How to Achieve Facelift-Like Results Without SurgeryNov 06, 2023You don’t have to go under the knife to lift and tighten your skin. With a thread lift, you get a way to defy gravity without the downtime. Continue reading
3 Benefits of Laser Genesis for Aging SkinOct 01, 2023If you want a way to turn back the clock, turn to the latest laser technology. With Laser Genesis, you get a no-downtime way to fight wrinkles, enlarged pores, and other skin issues. Continue reading
4 Skin Rejuvenation Treatments to Consider in Your 40sSep 01, 2023By the time you hit 40, you’ve probably noticed some unwelcome signs of aging. Fortunately, you can actively combat them with these four skin rejuvenation treatments. Continue reading
How Is PRX Derm Perfexion Plus Different From Other Peels?Aug 01, 2023What if you could get all of the rejuvenating, skin-smoothing benefits of a peel — without the peeling? That’s exactly what we can deliver with PRX Derm Perfexion Plus. Continue reading
Rosacea Redness Getting Worse — Can excel® V Help?Jul 01, 2023If you’re ready to tackle your rosacea redness head-on, a premiere treatment option can step in to help. Meet excel® V, a powerful way to target redness. Continue reading
4 Popular Benefits of a PDO Thread LiftJun 01, 2023What if you could get the benefits of a facelift without going under the knife? With a lift using polydioxanone (PDO) threads, you get just that — plus other benefits. Continue reading
What to Expect After Your truSculpt® ID TreatmentMay 01, 2023You might have researched what to expect during truSculpt® ID body contouring. But what happens afterward? Here’s what you should know about the results you can expect and the recovery process (hint: there isn’t one). Continue reading
Can Facial Fillers Reduce My Scars?Apr 01, 2023Don’t let depressed scars keep you down. With facial fillers, you get a quick and easy way to fill in missing volume and confidently face your future. Continue reading
Bothered by Fine Lines? Consider Laser GenesisMar 01, 2023Want a treatment that leaves your skin radiant and youthful-looking with no pain or downtime? If so, it’s time to consider Laser Genesis. Continue reading
Radio Frequency (RF) Microneedling With PRF: Six Common Skin Problems It Can Remedy Feb 02, 2023If you’re looking for a no-downtime, natural way to rejuvenate your skin, look no further than RF microneedling with platelet-rich fibrin (PRF). Here are six things it can do for you. Continue reading
Botox® for Men: Five Reasons "Brotox" Has Become So PopularJan 01, 2023Brotox — Botox® for men — isn’t new, but it is increasingly popular. Learn why more and more men choose this cosmetic injectable by the day. Continue reading
How Nonsurgical Skin-Rejuvenation Treatments Can Reverse Collagen LossDec 01, 2022As the practice of medical aesthetics advances, you have more options for rejuvenating your skin — and more choices that don’t require surgery. Learn how many of these choices work to bolster collagen, a protein your skin needs. Continue reading
Say Goodbye to Your Melasma "Mask" With Clear + Brilliant® Laser TreatmentsNov 01, 2022When the discoloration of melasma has created a dark “mask” around your eyes, Clear + Brilliant® laser effectively removes the brownish pigmentation to reveal clear skin. Here’s how this effective treatment works without downtime. Continue reading
What Do PDO/PCL Threads Feel Like?Oct 01, 2022With a PDO/PCL threadlift, you can get a rejuvenated appearance through a minimally invasive treatment. That said, you might be wondering how the treatment feels. You’ve come to the right place to find out. Continue reading
Five Fascinating Facts About Laser Skin RejuvenationSep 01, 2022If you want to rejuvenate your skin, Laser Genesis could be just the thing. Here are five facts you should know about this transformative treatment. Continue reading
How to Get Rid of Stubborn Belly Fat Without SurgeryAug 01, 2022If you want a trimmer midsection but have struggled with stubborn belly fat, you should know about a surgery-free solution to banish those bothersome fat cells: truSculpt® ID. Continue reading
How Fillers Can Enhance Your Botox® ResultsJul 01, 2022If you’re considering Neuromodulators like Botox®, Xeomin or Dysport you may also want to add dermal fillers into the mix. With these two cosmetic injectables together, you can get more transformative, longer-lasting results.Continue reading
Tips for Recovering From RhinoplastyJun 01, 2022After your rhinoplasty (nose job), knowing what to expect and how to care for yourself is critical. Use these tips to make sure you’re prepared. Continue reading
5 Facts About Chin AugmentationMay 01, 2022Changing your chin can transform your entire appearance. Here are five key things you should know if you’re considering chin augmentation. Continue reading
Can Laser Therapy Help My Rosacea?Apr 01, 2022If you’re living with rosacea, treatment with Laser Genesis could be what you need to get relief from your symptoms. To find out if it’s right for you, use this informative guide. Continue reading
What to Expect From a Surgical Brow LiftMar 01, 2022A brow lift gives you a way to combat the downward drift of your eyebrows that can make you look older and more tired. Here’s what you can expect from this procedure and the recovery period. Continue reading
Why Microneedling With PRF Is the Hottest Trend in Facial RejuvenationFeb 02, 2022If you’re looking for skin rejuvenation, look no further than microneedling with platelet-rich fibrin (PRF). Learn why this treatment is making a name for itself as one of the hottest trends in aesthetics. Continue reading
Looking Younger Without Surgery With PDO ThreadsJan 06, 2022You don’t have to go under the knife to defy gravity. With a PDO thread lift, you get a way to look years younger — without the downtime. Continue reading
Bothered by Protruding Ears? Consider OtoplastyDec 29, 2021If you’re bothered by ears that stick out too far, overly large earlobes, or lop ears, you should know that you can correct the issue with an outpatient procedure called an otoplasty. Learn all about it here. Continue reading
All About Neck LiftsNov 01, 2021Is your neck making you look older? With a neck lift, you can get rid of excess skin, tissue, and fat to rejuvenate your neck — and your overall appearance. Learn all about this procedure here. Continue reading
Are Drooping Eyelids Impairing Your Vision?Oct 01, 2021Drooping eyelids can make you look older, but that’s not the biggest problem. They can also interfere with your ability to see clearly. Fortunately, eye surgery can correct this issue and restore your vision. Continue reading
Reduce Stubborn Fat in These Key AreasSep 01, 2021If your body just won’t shed fat in a specific problem area, noninvasive radiofrequency treatment can target those stubborn fat cells. Learn where it works — and how it works — here. Continue reading
Who Is a Candidate for a Chin Implant?Aug 06, 2021Whether you’ve got a weak chin or you’re about to get a rhinoplasty, a chin implant could be right for you. Learn what makes a good candidate for this type of facial augmentation. Continue reading
Improve the Tone and Texture of Your Skin With Laser GenesisJul 28, 2021Today’s laser technology can help you get the skin of your dreams. For smoother, more radiant skin, consider Laser Genesis treatment. Here’s what you should know about this groundbreaking cosmetic option. Continue reading
Three Things You Probably Do Every Day That Hurt Your EyesJun 02, 2021Your eyes aren’t just the window to the soul, they’re also the way you navigate and experience the world. Here are three things to avoid to keep them healthy and seeing their best through the years. Continue reading
Tips for Making Your Facelift Last Even LongerMay 11, 2021A facelift gives you a way to dramatically roll back the years and look significantly more youthful. Plus, the results can last a decade — or even longer if you employ these tipsContinue reading
Bad Habits That Make Your Skin Age PrematurelyApr 01, 2021Simple things could put your skin at risk for early signs of aging, from dark spots to deep wrinkles. Avoid these bad habits to keep your face looking as fresh as possible. Continue reading
Everything You Should Know About Your PoresMar 04, 2021Pores play a crucial role in your skin, but that doesn’t mean you want to see them. Learn more about what your pores do — and how to shrink them — here. Continue reading
How truSculpt iD Can Enhance Your Face and FigureFeb 04, 2021You don’t have to choose a surgical procedure to get rid of stubborn fat. If you have problem areas that haven’t responded to diet and exercise, truSculpt® iD could be for you.Continue reading
Rejuvenating Your Skin With PRP Jan 01, 2021If you want a no-downtime, nonsynthetic way to get vibrant, rejuvenated skin, then platelet-rich plasma (PRP) delivers. And with platelet-rich fibrin (PRF), you can get even better results. Continue reading
Understanding How PDO Threads Work to Lift and Rejuvenate Your SkinDec 02, 2020As a nonsurgical alternative to a facelift, PDO threads have helped countless people turn back the clock and rejuvenate their appearance. Learn what they can do for you. Continue reading
Can I Have a Face and a Neck Lift at the Same Time?Nov 06, 2020If you want a way to look years younger with a single procedure, you’ll be glad to know you can have a face and neck lift together. Learn the details of this procedure here. Continue reading
Everything You Should Know About MelasmaOct 06, 2020Dark patches on your skin could be melasma. Here’s what you need to know about this condition and how you can clear it from your skin.Continue reading
Reasons You Might Need an OtoplastySep 22, 2020Your ears shouldn’t be a point of embarrassment, and they don’t have to be. With an otoplasty, you can achieve your ideal ear shape. Continue reading
5 Things You Do Every Day That Make Your Skin Look Older Than It IsAug 14, 2020You want to do everything you can to fend off the signs of aging. But you might be doing little things each day that take their toll. Learn what to avoid to protect your youthful appearance.Continue reading
Who Needs Eyelid Surgery?Jul 20, 2020If you have baggy or droopy eyelids, surgery can help you see more clearly and look more energized. Use this guide to determine if eyelid surgery is right for you. Continue reading
Dermal Fillers? Botox? Both? Find Out Which Treatment Is Right for YouJun 16, 2020You have quite a few options to turn back the clock, but which one is best to help you accomplish your specific cosmetic goals? Use this guide to cosmetic injectables to find out. Continue reading
Getting a Nose Job? Why You Should Consider a Chin Augmentation, TooMay 21, 2020If you’re already considering a nose job to improve your appearance, think about adding a chin augmentation, too. The right surgeon can combine these procedures, giving you more dramatic results with a single downtime period. Continue reading
Surgical Facelift Versus Nova ThreadsApr 18, 2020If you’re looking for a way to truly rejuvenate your face, you’ve probably considered a facelift. While it’s extremely effective, plastic surgery isn’t your only option. You can also consider our innovative NovaThreads. Continue reading
Favorite Skincare Products & SupplimentsMar 18, 2020During the time of COVID-19 and social distancing, we wanted to provide you with some of our favorite skincare products.Continue reading
Go Back in Time with Endor's Anti-Aging TreatmentsMar 05, 2020Is it time for a change? Are your skincare products delivering great results? Endor® Technologies has created a new way to restore and beautify your skin. They offer real science to help your skin look it’s best.Continue reading
Reduce Fat Faster with truSculpt iDFeb 01, 2020Getting your dream body just got easier — and dramatically faster. With noninvasive truSculpt iD® treatments, you get a dramatic reduction of body fat in just 15 minutes. Continue reading
Why We’re Excited About the New Revanesse Versa FillerJan 01, 2020Want a way to get smooth, supple skin immediately with minimal swelling and long-lasting results? It’s time for you to meet one of the newest, most exciting dermal fillers available today: Revanesse® Versa™. Continue reading
Turn Back the Clock on Aging Eyes with BlepharoplastyDec 05, 2019Are you tired of eyelids that make you look older and more tired than you feel? Explore how our eyelid surgery can restore a more youthful and alert appearance to your face, not to mention highlight your expressive and beautiful eyes. Continue reading
Embarrassed By Your Ears? Consider OtoplastyNov 01, 2019Are you sick of being self-conscious because of your ears? Otoplasty can help give your ears a more desirable appearance. Read on to find out what it’s all about. Continue reading
Spots, Scars, and Stretch Marks: Lasers Can Treat Them AllOct 14, 2019Would you like to have clearer, younger looking skin? Learn how laser treatments can effectively help you eliminate spots, scars, and stretch marks. Continue reading
Give Your Skin a Boost Using Your Own Blood With PRF Therapy - The Technically Advanced PRPSep 09, 2019Do you want to address signs of aging or lost volume, but hope to forgo traditional Botox? PRF Therapy is an advanced form of PRP one of the latest treatment trends in skincare that can help you improve or enhance your complexion. Continue reading
Incorporating Botox Into Your Regular Beauty RoutineAug 01, 2019Tired of dropping money on creams, serums, and so-called wrinkle reducers that don’t work? It might be time to try something new. Keep reading to learn how Botox can fit in as part of your regular beauty regimen. Continue reading
Myths and Facts about RhinoplastyJul 09, 2019Most people have some feature they dislike. Are you among those discouraged about the appearance of your nose? Find out how rhinoplasty can help address your aesthetic concerns. Continue reading
Why truSculpt 3D Is a Top Choice For Fat ReductionJun 01, 2019Do you think getting the body of your dreams is impossible? It’s not. With truSculpt® 3D, you can get the body you’ve always wanted without surgery. Continue reading
How Laser Genesis Works to Correct the Signs of AgingMay 02, 2019Do you have fine lines and wrinkles, uneven skin tone, or other signs of aging? Consider Laser Genesis, a non-invasive procedure that uses state-of-the-art technology to promote a youthful, radiant complexion for men and women of all different skin types. Continue reading
5 Amazing Benefits of Non-Surgical NovaThreadsⓇApr 08, 2019When you want the effects of a facelift but don’t want the surgery and recovery time, there’s a minimally invasive, nonsurgical solution that gives amazing results -- NovaThreadsⓇ.Continue reading
Why Getting a Neck Lift and Face-Lift Together Is a Great IdeaMar 04, 2019You’ve scheduled your rejuvenating face-lift surgery, and you can’t wait. Finally, you’ll look like yourself again. At least from your chin up. But what about from your chin down?Continue reading
Fighting Stubborn Fat Cells with TruSculpt 3DFeb 01, 2019Do stubborn pockets of fat in hard-to-tone areas have you down? The truScult 3DⓇ system can help. Learn how this system can eliminate fat pockets in as little as one treatment with no downtime. Continue reading
How NovaThreads Can Bring Back Your Youthful Appearance Without SurgeryJan 10, 2019Sagging skin can make you look a lot older than you feel. But you don't need a facelift to restore youthful lift and volume. Find out how minimally invasive NovaThreads can help you look and feel your best without the need for surgery. Continue reading
Post Rhinoplasty Recovery: Top 5 Things You Should ExpectDec 20, 2018Knowing what to expect after rhinoplasty helps you feel more confident about your procedure and your recovery. If you're thinking about having rhinoplasty surgery in the future, this list will help you plan your recovery now. Continue reading
Considering an Otoplasty for Your Child? "Hear's" What You Need to Know Nov 30, 2018The size and shape of your child's ears play a big role in your child's appearance - and self-confidence. Otoplasty can correct a wide array of cosmetic defects. Learn more about the surgery and how it could help your child. Continue reading
Laser Genesis: The Solution for More Radiant Looking SkinOct 30, 2018Want more radiant-looking skin? Laser Genesis is a noninvasive treatment with no downtime that can correct or remove many of the signs of aging, including acne scars, fine lines and wrinkles, and more. Laser Genesis offers remarkable results.Continue reading
Why More Men Than Ever Are Embracing BotoxSep 27, 2018Men can tap into the power of Botox and look younger naturally with this noninvasive procedure. Forehead lines, crow's feet and frown lines melt away to reveal a better-looking face you'll still recognize.Continue reading
Surgical and Non-Surgical Options for Remedying a Recessed ChinAug 25, 2018Your chin provides balance for your face, and if you have a weak or recessed chin, your face may seem off-balance. It can make your nose seem too large and your neck appear aged. fDon’t worry, though: There are options for correcting a recessed chin. Continue reading
Banish Under Eye Bags and Look Younger in Just WeeksJul 23, 2018Tired of looking weary and older than you are? If under eye bags and puffiness are making you appear older and more tired than you really are, eyelid surgery can deliver long-lasting results and help you look younger in a matter of weeks.Continue reading
Revision Rhinoplasty: What You Need to KnowJun 08, 2018Are you unhappy with the shape and size of your nose, even after you’ve had a previous rhinoplasty? You may be a candidate for revision rhinoplasty. Learn about this complex procedure and whether it’s right for you.Continue reading
TruSculpt 3D: Your Surgery-Free Way to a Flat Tummy By Swimsuit SeasonMay 19, 2018If you’re dreading swimsuit season because of stubborn belly fat, you’re not alone. Fortunately, starting truSculpt® 3D treatments today can tone all your troublesome areas by the time you’re ready to lather on your sunscreen.Continue reading
Threading Your Way to Youthful Skin with NovaThreadsApr 24, 2018Want to erase signs of facial aging without the recovery time or expense of surgery? If so, consider NovaThreads®, a minimally-invasive procedure that delivers many of the aesthetic benefits of anti-aging without surgery.Continue reading
The Role a Strong Chin Plays in Your SuccessMar 29, 2018Chiseled chins have long been described as the facial feature that exudes confidence, authority, and strength. In fact, studies reveal that a strong chin can contribute toward success in some very subtle, and not-so-subtle, ways.Continue reading
What Happens During a FaceliftFeb 16, 2018For a skilled plastic surgeon, performing a facelift is form of art. The surgeon carefully repositions and reshapes your face to give you more youthful appearance, and you’ll look younger forever. Continue reading
How is PRP Used for Skin Rejuvenation?Jan 08, 2018By concentrating your growth factors with PRP, you can speed and improve healing by getting a higher volume of growth factors to aid in the repair process.Continue reading
Why Botox?Oct 12, 2017Did you know that Botox can be used to treat many health conditions, including eye squints, excessive sweating, migraine, and even incontinence? Here are eleven reasons that you may want to consider Botox yourself.Continue reading
What Should You Expect From Blepharoplasty?Oct 05, 2017Blepharoplasty, or eyelid surgery, is an operation that is intended to aesthetically improve the eyes. You can have this procedure performed on your lower or upper lids, or both.Continue reading
Skin Rejuvenation Can Help You Look as Young as You FeelSep 11, 2017All About Skin Rejuvenation and Regaining Your Youthful AppearanceContinue reading
The Beauty of Sun ProtectionJul 19, 2017How a healthy lifestyle, sun protection and easy cosmetic procedures can enhance natural beauty and facial features while minimizing harmful risks of sun damage. Continue reading
Freeze Time and Firm Skin, Venus Concept™ Radio Frequency TechnologyJul 07, 2017Looking to freeze the hands of time and tighten skin at once? In our practice, our superb medical skincare expert, Janice Pastorek, uses Venus Concept's advanced Venus Freeze™ skincare treatment to turn back the hands of time and firm skin. Continue reading
Easy Beauty Jun 02, 2017Have you ever felt overwhelmed by the choices you are offered to beautify yourself? What is the best thing to do? We are firm believers in acting on those choices that feel best…and that usually means it feels easiest to accomplish.Continue reading
Are All Dermal Fillers the Same?Jun 02, 2017Look through the different types of dermal fillers Continue reading
Why the Face Lift Remains the Popular Choice for Cosmetic ProceduresMay 25, 2017Despite being one of the oldest and most popular cosmetic procedures, it’s still important to find the right plastic surgeon when it comes to pursuing a face lift.Continue reading
Love Your LipsMay 25, 2017Whether you are young or mature, lip enhancement may be an option that helps you attain your most beautiful sense of self.Continue reading
The Female Beautiful FaceMay 24, 2017Dr. Pastorek's essay in the Journal of the American Medical Association explores the changes of facial beauty in print media.Continue reading
How a Combination of Self Care and Cosmetic Procedures Keep You Looking YoungMay 05, 2017Luckily, we live in a time where we’ve made great enough strides that there are more options than ever available to take care of our skin and maintain a youthful appearance.Continue reading
Top Five Rhinoplasty Questions AnsweredMar 20, 2017Many people have questions about rhinoplasty, so Dr. Pastorek answers five of the most frequently asked questions about this procedure.Continue reading
Eyelid Surgery May Reduce Migraine PainMar 20, 2017Researchers are continually searching for new and improved methods for addressing the condition, and a new study suggests that eyelid surgery may reduce chronic migraines.Continue reading
Touching Strangers: My Experience Being Photographed by Richard RenaldiMar 20, 2017While I feel a unique connection with every person who walks through our doors, my “Touching Strangers” experience put my interactions in perspective.Continue reading
Combining Facial Plastic Surgery & Nonsurgical Treatments for Enhanced ResultsMar 20, 2017While your individual treatment plan will be designed with thoughtful consideration after a personal consultation, I can tell you about some of our favorite surgical and nonsurgical combinations that provide beautiful results.Continue reading
20 Questions on Life, Plastic Surgery, & FamilyMar 20, 2017Dr. Norman Pastorek recently sat down with the Student Doctor Network to answer 20 questions about his educational experience and career choice as a plastic surgeon.Continue reading
Lasers vs. Surgery: Can You Achieve Dramatic Results Without Going Under the Knife?Mar 20, 2017Dr. Pastorek shares his thoughts on laser resurfacing versus facelift surgeriesContinue reading
Meet Our Newest Tool for Hand Rejuvenation: The Phoenix LaserMar 20, 2017We are pleased to offer our patients a safe and effective way to improve signs of aging quickly, comfortably, and successfully using the Phoenix 15 laser. Continue reading
Can You Get a Non-Surgical Neck Lift?Mar 20, 2017Our success in addressing many signs of facial aging without surgery has triggered a related demand in cosmetic medicine—patients are clamoring for non-surgical neck rejuvenation options.Continue reading
Celebrating Our Children’s SuccessesMar 20, 2017There is nothing quite like watching your children work toward their dreams and succeed in their passions. Our daughters have been busy creating and exploring all summer, and we’re proud to share their latest accomplishments.Continue reading
Is There Such a Thing as a Non-Surgical Nose Job?Mar 20, 2017The idea that you may be able to get a new nose without surgery has been circulating in beauty blogs and magazine features lately. Non-surgical nose reshaping involves strategic use of injectable fillers to improve nasal contours.Continue reading