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What Should You Expect From Blepharoplasty?

Oct 05, 2017

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Blepharoplasty, or eyelid surgery, is an operation that is intended to aesthetically improve the eyes. You can have this procedure performed on your lower or upper lids, or both.

You can revive the region around your eyes either to correct functional issues or simply to appear years younger, healthy and attractive if this is the primary area where your aging shows.

What should your expectations be from this type of operation? First, let’s talk about the ways that it is used – how it serves as treatment. Then we will get into an overview of how this will happen, in terms of what you should experience during the operation itself and tips for what to expect during your immediate recovery.

  • What can blepharoplasty treat?
  • What should you expect during blepharoplasty?
  • What should you expect after blepharoplasty?
  • Finding a surgeon you can trust with your eyes

What can blepharoplasty treat?

Here are five examples of what aspects of appearance and function eyelid surgery can be used to treat, offered by the nonprofit American Society of Plastic Surgeons:

  1. Wrinkles and extra skin on your lower eyelids
  2. Sagging lower lids and the exposure of white underneath the iris
  3. Mild swelling under the eyes ("bags")
  4. Puffiness from fatty deposits within the lids
  5. Drooping skin that interrupts the smoothness of the upper lid, in some cases disrupting vision.

What should you expect during blepharoplasty?

Eyelid surgery is conducted as an outpatient operation. Dr. Pastorek will introduce a numbing medication to your lids and also give you medication either by mouth, or intravenously, to help you relax.

If your upper eyelids are your concern, the procedure involves careful measuring and marking of your upper eyelid skin. The doctor will precisely extra tissue skin, muscle tissue and (in some cases) fat by making an incision along the eyelid’s fold. The incision is closed with sutures finer than hair. The doctor will also apply special tapes and glue to support your skin and provide the best environment for the finest healing.

If you are having a lower eyelid procedure, the incision may be inside the lid or outside depending on whether or not extra skin need to be removed to smooth the contour of the lower eyelid area. If there is extra skin, the incision is right beneath the eyelashes (in a natural crease). Skin muscle and fat may be removed and external incisions are closed with the same type of super fine non-irritating suture to provide the most beautiful healing. Small tapes may be applied to support your skin to, again, provide the best results.

Healing from eyelid surgery is quite rapid due to the delicate nature of the eye tissue. You should be able to experience an incredible outcome if you work with the right surgeon.

What should you expect after blepharoplasty?

Following blepharoplasty, it's important to be conscientious and respect the delicate nature of this rejuvenative procedure.

What should you expect during the first week of recovery?

Here are 7 tips for that initial period following the surgery:

  1. Cool compresses are advised for comfort and to reduce swelling and bruising. Immediately following this surgery, you will want to apply cool moist gauze compresses to the impacted region around your eyes periodically, right up until you go to bed. You can also use a frozen bag of peas in a ziplock bag, over the moist gauze. You want to have those compresses on your eyes most of the time the day of surgery. The compresses are used for fifteen minutes each hour the day following surgery. Maximum swelling is usually 48 hours after your surgery.
  2. Cleaning and medication will be helpful. You will get prescription ointment to apply to lower eyelid incisions. Also, you can soak a cotton swab or gauze in saline or a solution of one part water and one part hydrogen peroxide, and use that to clean the incisions. You want to very carefully dab rather than rub. Perform this cleaning 1 or 2 times the very first evening, and then continue to do it as needed the remainder of the week. Once you have finished the cleaning, it is time to apply the prescription ointment.
  3. You may have a vision issue immediately afterward. You may experience blurriness in your vision due to swelling or getting ointment in your eyes.
  4. Do not smoke. Smoking can limit your ability to heal. It will slow down the healing process and can contribute to scar formation.
  5. Limit using your eyes the first few days.  Expect some amount bruising, and in any, minor discomfort.. Swelling and bruising are common following blepharoplasty.
  6. Glasses are OK. You can start wearing your glasses right away after the operation – although putting them on and taking them off should be conducted with care. Avoid contact lenses until your doctor tells you that you can safely wear those.
  7. Your skin may feel tight. The region surrounding your eyes and the broader around the brow and cheek bones may feel tight.
  8. Avoid lifting, bending and any rigorous exercise. Were you thinking about running a marathon the day after your eyelid surgery? Probably not. However, note that it is helpful and will expedite your recovery to go for a walk or use a treadmill at 3 no incline. It is not wise to purposefully get your heart rate up for about 2 weeks after the procedure. To return to the marathon idea, be careful about anything too intense or rigorous until your doctor lets you know that more aggressive physical activity is approved – since it could cause bruising and swelling if introduced too soon.  

Find a surgeon you can trust with your eyes.

Are you interested in getting eyelid surgery? Norman Pastorek, MD, is renowned for performing eyelid surgeries that leave patients looking years younger, but still 100 percent natural. View our gallery.