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Embarrassed By Your Ears? Consider Otoplasty

Nov 01, 2019

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Are you sick of being self-conscious because of your ears? Otoplasty can help give your ears a more desirable appearance. Read on to find out what it’s all about.

Your face is the first thing people notice about you. We all want to leave a good impression on others, but sometimes prominent features, such as big ears, can make you feel self-conscious. Men with short hair and women who like to wear their hair up may feel particularly uncomfortable about their ears if they think their ears stick out or have an unpleasant shape. 

If you’re embarrassed with the appearance of your ears, Norman Pastorek, MD, can give you a thorough evaluation and discuss if otoplasty can help you.

Is otoplasty right for me?

Most people who are in good health and would like to change the appearance of their ears are great candidates for otoplasty. If you think your ears stick out too far, otoplasty can tuck them back, giving you a more sleek and polished look. 

People who have a lop ear a deformity in which the top rim of the ear is folded over may seek otoplasty to help give their ears a more desirable shape. If your ears or ear lobes are too large for your liking, otoplasty can make your ears more proportionate to your facial features. People who previously had an unsuccessful ear surgery may also seek otoplasty to get better results. 

What to expect during surgery 

Otoplasty is often done on an outpatient basis. Depending on the type of surgery, Dr. Pastorek may be able to complete the procedure in as little as two hours. You’ll be given a general anesthetic so you can sleep during your procedure.

A team of surgical professionals will also be by your side, checking your heart rate, blood pressure, and oxygen to make sure everything goes smoothly. Most patients are able to return to work one week after surgery, and they’re usually able to see the full results in two weeks.

Safe for children

Children with protruding ears make up nearly 5% of the population. Otoplasty is a common and safe procedure that many children undergo, some even as young as age 5. 

Most of the children who undergo otoplasty have little or no scar tissue from the surgery. Since the recovery time for otoplasty is generally around three weeks, many families schedule procedures for their children during the summer break.

If you want to enhance the look of your ears or your child’s, book an appointment online or over the phone with Norman Pastorek, MD today.