Norman J. Pastorek, MD, PC, FACS Logo

Bio-Regenerative Aesthetics

Comprehensive, Personalized care in New York, NY and Madison, CT

Bio-Regenerative Aesthetics

Bio-Regenerative Aesthetics

Bio-Regenerative Aesthetics is an innovative approach to rejuvenation.

It blends the principles of natural medicine with cosmetic treatments to restore a youthful appearance. These procedures range from non-invasive to minimally invasive and are designed to stimulate the body's own healing capabilities. Unlike traditional methods of aesthetic enhancement, that rely on synthetic materials or surgical intervention, Bio-Regenerative Aesthetics works harmoniously with your body's biology to restore a more youthful appearance.

Bio-Regenerative Aesthetics stimulate the production of collagen, enhance skin elasticity and hydration, diminish the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles and scars as well as improve overall skin texture and tone. Results leave your skin radiant, restored and rejuvenated.

Bio-Regenerative Aesthetics FAQ'S

Who is a good candidate for Bio-Regenerative Aesthetics?

Individuals who seek to address signs of aging with minimal downtime and natural-looking results.

When will I see the results of Bio-Regenerative Aesthetics?

Results may be seen immediately post treatment. However, results continue to improvement over a few weeks to months.

How long do results from Bio-Regenerative Aesthetics last?

Depending on the treatment, results can last several months to a few years.

Is there any downtime with Bio-Regenerative Aesthetics?

Generally, these treatments have little to no downtime.

What should I do before and after Bio-Regenerative Aesthetic treatment?

There are no required preparations for Bio-Regenerative treatments. However, it is recommended to hydrated for optimum results. Written aftercare is given in accordance with the treatment type.

What can I expect during a Bio-Regenerative Aesthetics treatment?

Expect a minimally invasive procedure with comfort measures and professional care throughout the session.