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How to Achieve Facelift-Like Results Without Surgery

Nov 06, 2023

How to Achieve Facelift-Like Results Without Surgery

You don’t have to go under the knife to lift and tighten your skin. With a thread lift, you get a way to defy gravity without the downtime. 

A facelift gives you a way to dramatically improve your appearance by fighting one of the biggest signs of aging: skin laxity. This procedure lifts and tightens the skin of your face to smooth wrinkles, get rid of jowls, and more. The only problem? It comes with a significant recovery period. 

We know that some people can’t accommodate several weeks of downtime. That’s why Norman J. Pastorek, MD, and Janice Pastorek, BSN, RN, offer thread lifts with PDO polydioxanone (PDO) and polycaprolactone (PCL) threads. 

These treatments give you a nonsurgical, minimal-downtime way to get facelift-like results. Plus, these thread lifts are available from the convenience of our offices on Manhattan’s Upper East Side in New York City and in Madison, Connecticut. 

What a thread lift can do for you

With a thread lift, we can lift and tighten your skin. 

We apply the threads under the surface of your skin using a fine needle or cannula. Once in place, they serve as an extra support structure, helping to alleviate sagging.

The material that makes up the thread is similar to the absorbable sutures surgeons use. Your body safely absorbs the thread over time. That doesn’t mean your results fade, though. 

The placement of the thread stimulates your skin’s collagen production. Since collagen is the protein that keeps skin firm and elastic, this goes a long way toward actively fighting the signs of aging for months and even years to come. 

We can tailor your thread lift to you, addressing laxity and smoothing skin on your:

  • Cheeks
  • Forehead
  • Jowls
  • Jawline
  • Nasolabial folds
  • Neck
  • Lips
  • Under-eye area 

This minimally invasive, minimal-downtime treatment gives you results similar to a facelift without the need to go under the knife. You won’t need general anesthesia or weeks away from your usual daily activities. Instead, you’ll get a much easier way to get a tighter, more youthful-looking complexion. 

Getting even better results

The PDO or PCL threads give you a way to address sagging skin, but you don’t have to stop there. 

We offer a range of skin rejuvenation treatments that we can pair with your thread lift to further fight the signs of aging. With laser-based treatment, for example, we can encourage your skin to build more collagen while improving your skin tone. 

If you want to reduce the appearance of age spots and other issues as you tighten your skin, talk with us. Our team can build you a personalized plan that includes PDO/PCL threads and other treatments to move you toward your cosmetic goals. 

To explore a thread lift and other age-defying treatments, call one of our offices or book online today.